A Trusted Exporter of Vacuum Filter Screens in India

A Trusted Exporter of Vacuum/ Mud Filter Screens in India

The vacuum/ mud filter screens, primarily used in sugar industries, are customized for particular vacuum/mud filter drums also. The Screen dimensions and un-perforated margins are customized according to the particular requirements of customers. Fine Perforators, the trustworthy and trusted manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of vacuum/ mud filter screens, offers the quality best vacuum/mud filter screens for sugar industries and other industries as well to improve the filtration process. We also supply the range of Dorr Oliver filtration screens to meet out the diversity in demand by vivid processing industries. The more common type of vacuum filter screen of 0.30MM thickness has holes of 0.51MM, 625 mesh per sq. inch and an open area of about 19.60%.


Advantages of Quality - Best Rotary Vacuum/ Mud Filter Screens

Vacuum/Mud filter screens are being used in sugar and other industries for many years because these are the best suited to an array of applications involving washing and dewatering. The rotary mud drum filtration is a continuous and automatic operation, so the operating cost is low. The best feature of these vacuum filter screens type is that the entire screening area is used to achieve maximum filtration efficiency. These offer ease of maintenance and cleaning. These are capable to reduce Bagacillo content in filtered juice up to 2-3 gm. per liter in caparison to 7 to 11 gm. per liter by DSM screens.

Vacuum/ Mud filter screens are finding increasing applications in vivid industries that need volumetric filtration of slurries and liquids at varying speed because of many operational advantages like:

  • The rotating speed of mud filter screens can be controlled to manage the thickness of filtered fluids
  • The mud filter process is easy to modify
  • These screens produce relatively a clean product with the support of a showering device
  • These are an excellent choice for continuous operation
  • Because of being soft annealed and flat, these can be fitted to screening machined easily
  • Uniform perforation assures consistency in the quality of filtered material

Fine Perforators – A Dependable Manufacturer & Exporter of Vacuum/ Mud Filter Screens

Because of being committed to offering the world-class quality at the competitive price, we have become leading exporter of vacuum/mud filter screens in India having fast-expanding clientele in Dubai, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Mexico, Jordan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia etc.

We have been in the filtration screens manufacturing business for over 50 years; therefore, we know the requirements of filtration industries by depth. To meet with the diversity in demand, we consistently expand our product range wit improvement in quality standards. Today, we are the #1 exporter of vacuum/ mud filter screens in India just because of our customer-centric approach, emphasis on expanding our capabilities for producing customized mud filter screens, expanding our supply chain, and focus on quality improvement. We offer a variety of screens to suit the particular applications:

  • Vacuum/ Mud Filter Divisional Strip Screen
  • Plastic Grid Vacuum Filter Screen
  • Zig Zag Brass Vacuum/ Mud Filter Screen
  • S.S Vacuum/ Mud Filter Screen

Why Choose Fine Perforators As a Vacuum/ Mud Filter Screens Supplier & Exporter

Our decades’ experience in supplying the industry-specific mud filter screens makes us a reliable source to buy mud filter screens in India, other countries. Our dedicated mud filter screens export experts take care of all the concerns of overseas customers to make the complete procurement process hassle-free. Our supply and export process is aligned to the latest norms of Govt. of India; therefore, we commit for consistent on the time supply. Our online support professionals are specially trained to understand all your concerns and to address these at the earliest.

  • 50 yrs experience in screens manufacturing and supply
  • ISO 9001:2008 certification for filtration screens manufacturing 
  • World-class manufacturing facilities for a variety of vacuum/ mud filtration screens
  • 24x7 hrs personalized support 
  • The quality best material of vacuum/ mud filter screens
  • Consistency in quality
  • Proven capability to designed and produce customized filter screens
  • The lowest prices of filter screens for Dorr Oliver machines

Contact us for Vacuum/ Mud Filter Screens Requirements

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